Unlock Awarded Fund$

Don't let this opportunity float away...  

Our riverside town is known for water sports and adventures in nature. Especially here, everyone should be safe in the water.  Yet swimming pools provide benefits beyond teaching swim lessons; they are for improving physical and mental health, low impact exercise opportunities, injury/surgery recovery, recreation and sport, reduced stress and anxiety, and community connection. Now your pool is back.

After years of closure, the Stevenson Community Pool has been open for over a year. It is busy - full of bubbles and splashes again. Tax revenue provides partial funding for pool operations. Yet deferred maintenance, aging infrastructure, and operational expenses are serious challenges for the pool. 

The Firstenburg Foundation of Vancouver, WA has generously awarded a matching grant to the Stevenson Community Pool. We aim to raise $25,000 by the end of the year in order to unlock $25,000 in matching funds from the Firstenburg Foundation. Friends of the pool have already raised over $10k local donations. Your own (tax deductible!) donation will be matched by the Firstenburg Foundation, doubling your gift to the Stevenson Community Pool. Please consider supporting your pool by using the donation link above, mailing a check to our PO Box, or best of all, donating during a visit to the pool so we can thank you in person!